domingo, 26 de agosto de 2018

Ese momento previo al vacío

Todo le decía que estaba errada, que estaba haciendo lo que no correspondía, que estaba poniendo su vida en la linea por un mero capricho. Su respiración era entrecortada, sentía que sus piernas se aflojaban, hacía calor, a su alrededor la gente impávida parecía no percibir el peligro, sus manos temblaban, no lograba detenerlas, sintió como la vista comenzaba a fallar, sabía que finalmente iba a caer, que este sería su fin, que imbécil, por qué lo había hecho, que la había empujado a jugar así con su existencia, todo pareció moverse rápidamente y quiso gritar pero ningún sonido abandono su cuerpo, el suelo se iba a deshacer bajo sus pies y el hilo del que su vida pendía iba a ser la soga en su cuello, los nudillos de sus manos blancos, sus labios en un rictus, la piel de la cara tensa, la frente perlada de sudor...... "DING DONG! tenemos altitud de vuelo, se espera tiempo agradable", ahora...... solo quedaba bajar.



All in this world was telling her that she was wrong, that she shouldn't be doing that, because there was a threat to her life, and all for a stupid whim. Her breathing was ragged, she felt her legs getting loose, the small amount of air that she was able to grasp was hot and loaded of humidity, the people around didn´t seem to feel it, her hands were shaking to the point that she wasn´t able to make them stop, she even felt her eyes failing, she knew that she was about to fall, that this was about to be the end of all, idiot why did you did this?, what in this earth made you play like this with your own existence?. Suddenly everything started to move, she wanted to shout but not even one sound left her body, the floor was about to disappear under her feet, and that thread holding her life was going to be a rope around her neck, her knuckles turned white, her lips in a rictus, the skin of her face absolutely tense, a thread of wet pearls showing in her forehead .... "DING DONG .... we have reached flying altitude, pleasant climate is expected", and she realized, that now there's s only left to land.


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